Keeping your home clean can be a battle sometimes, especially if you have pets or children. It may seem like you have to retrace your steps several times a day to clean something you’ve already taken care of, and it can be an overwhelming task for some.
Making an effort to be environmentally conscious at the same time can be a big task as well, in part because there’s a lot to think about. Many kitchen cleansers include harsh chemicals that aren’t safe around little ones, seniors, or animals, and if your loved ones have health issues such as asthma, you may be reluctant to bring those into your home.
Fortunately, there are several ways you can keep your kitchen clean and fresh while also remaining eco-friendly, whether you want to make your own cleaners or find some alternative methods. Here are some of the best tips on getting your kitchen spotless without using harsh chemicals.
Skip the cleansers
It may be tempting to whip out the bleach when your sink gets dirty, but in many cases, plain old vinegar and water will do the trick. For stubborn stains, mix in a little baking soda. This is especially helpful on porcelain sinks and on tile and grout, and the mixture is safe enough to use in the refrigerator.
Pro tip: Before cleaning out the microwave, add lemon juice to a small bowl of water and set it inside to heat up for a couple of minutes. The mixture will loosen up any dried particles of food, making it easier to wipe clean, and the inside of the appliance will smell lemony fresh when you’re done.
Make your own soaps
Many people go for expensive foaming, scented soaps for the kitchen, or they use one with antibacterial beads inside. However, many studies have shown that these soaps don’t clean any better than a plain old bar soap, and you can actually make your own dish soap, dishwasher detergent, and several other types of cleanser yourself. This will likely not only save you money, it will be much more eco-friendly than the pricey stuff. For homemade cleaning recipes, read on here.
Use vinegar on appliances
Stoves and dishwashers can become grimy in a short amount of time, but vinegar and water will do the trick there, too. Put two cups of vinegar in a dishwasher-safe bowl and run it through a normal cycle with no other dishes to clean the inside and keep it smelling nice. For the stove, use a mixture of vinegar and hot water to cut through grime. You can actually pre-make a mixture by filling a mason jar and adding lemon slices; put the lid on tight and let the mixture sit for a week or two, then strain out the lemons and use the liquid.
Toothpaste can bring new life to wood
If your kitchen table or other wood furniture is full of white rings from sweating glasses, put white toothpaste and a little baking soda on a damp cloth and gently rub the ring with the grain of the wood. Wipe clean for the next use.
Ensuring that your home is well taken care of is a big job, especially if you have children or are living with health issues, but it’s essential to know the best ways to stay earth-conscious when it comes to cleaning. Reducing your carbon footprint starts with small steps just like these.
Photo via Pixabay by Skitterphoto